I almost exclusively use Python in my research. I write 3D interactive experiments using Panda3D and I collect, analyze, and visualize my data using NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib. While I have been using Python for almost 5 years now, I only began using Python for scientific programming when I joined the Computational Cognitive Science Group at MIT. The sort of programming I do these days is very different from the software engineering I used to focus on.

In particular, I almost never use for loops when I am doing any form of serious number crunching. For loops do have applications, but I think they tend to be overused, especially in Python. There are two reasons:

  1. Almost anything numerical can be done with NumPy.
  2. Almost everything else can be done with list comprehensions.

So what? Does it really matter whether you use NumPy vs. a list comprehension vs. a normal for loop? It absolutely does and I will go through a few examples in this post.

Let me start with a story. Once upon a time, when I was still new to scientific computing, I needed to compute an array of correlations between my model’s predictions and human data for many different settings of the model’s parameters. Naively, my code involved a lot of for loops. Something like this:

corr = []
for i in xrange(S):
    for j in xrange(G):
        for k in xrange(N):
            for l in xrange(M):
                corr[-1].append(correlate(model[i, j, k, l], human))

… ouch. I shudder to think that I used to code like that! What makes this such poor code is that I have four nested for loops (and possibly more, if I had more parameters). Wouldn’t it be so much nicer to do something like:

corr = [[[[correlate(model[i, j, k, l], human) 
           for l in xrange(M)] 
		   for k in xrange(N)] 
		   for j in xrange(G)] 
		   for i in xrange(S)]

Or, even better, if you could just operate over the arrays without any loops at all?

Well, you can!

In this post, I’m going to go through a few interesting examples of how using NumPy, list comprehensions, and for loops can be used for the same applications, and furthermore, how well these different approaches actually perform. You can find all of the code in this blog post here.


Let me first start by introducing a simple timing function that I’ll be using to make these comparisons (you’ll notice I do use a for loop here!):

from timeit import Timer
import numpy as np
import math
def timer(*funcs):
    # find the maximum function name length
    if len(funcs) > 1:
        maxlen = max(*[len(func) for func in funcs])
    elif len(funcs) == 1:
        maxlen = len(funcs[0])
    # run each function 10000 times and print statistics
    times = []
    print "--"
    for func in funcs:
        timerfunc = Timer("%s()" % func, "from __main__ import %s" % func)
        runtime = timerfunc.repeat(repeat=10000, number=1)
        mtime = np.mean(runtime)
        stime = np.std(runtime)
        dfunc = func + (" " * (maxlen - len(func) + 1))
        print "%s: %.6f +/- %.6f seconds" % (dfunc, mtime, stime)

This function takes the names of an arbitrary number of local functions, runs each function 10000 times, and prints out the mean and standard deviation of these runs.

Ranges and Lists

Ok. One of the simplest things you need to be able to do in python is to create a list of numbers, for example, from 0 to 1000 (exclusive):

def numpy_arange():
    l = np.arange(1000)
def py_range():
    l = range(1000)
def py_xrange():
    l = xrange(1000)

And when we time this:

>>> timer("numpy_arange", "py_range", "py_xrange")
numpy_arange : 0.000004  /- 0.000002 seconds
py_range     : 0.000011  /- 0.000003 seconds
py_xrange    : 0.000002  /- 0.000001 seconds

The fastest method is xrange. This isn’t terribly surprising because xrange doesn’t actually create a list of numbers, it creates a generator which will produce a list of numbers. If we actually force it to be a list:

def py_xrange_list():
    l = list(xrange(1000))

And time it:

>>> timer("py_xrange_list")
py_xrange_list : 0.000012  /- 0.000001 seconds

We see that xrange isn’t actually faster than numpy.arange. So, this is a case where you should keep your application in mind (e.g., if you need a list of so many numbers that it won’t fit in memory, you would want to use xrange).

Another thing to keep in mind is whether you need the list to work with other NumPy functions or not. NumPy will convert lists and tuples to ndarray types, and this can actually take a significant amount of time. Let’s look at some conversions to and from NumPy arrays:

def arange_to_list():
    l = list(np.arange(1000))
def xrange_to_ndarray():
    l = np.array(xrange(1000))
def range_to_ndarray():
    l = np.array(range(1000))

And timing them, we see it it is an order of magnitude slower to create these lists and convert them than just creating them as the appropriate type!

>>> timer("arange_to_list", "xrange_to_ndarray", "range_to_ndarray")
arange_to_list    : 0.000140  /- 0.000009 seconds
xrange_to_ndarray : 0.000110  /- 0.000005 seconds
range_to_ndarray  : 0.000117  /- 0.000005 seconds

Array Operations

Let’s move on to actually using our arrays to do things.


One really common operation is summing a list of numbers; NumPy here has the advantage both in terms of readability…

def numpy_sum():
    total = np.sum(np.arange(1000))
def loop_sum():
    total = 0
    for i in xrange(1000):
        total += i

… and speed (though you’ll notice that the mean runtime of loop_sum is within one standard deviation of numpy_sum’s mean, so this isn’t very significant):

>>> timer("numpy_sum", "loop_sum")
numpy_sum : 0.000010  /- 0.000017 seconds
loop_sum  : 0.000038  /- 0.000020 seconds
Mean and Standard Deviation

We often want to do more complex array operations, such as finding the mean and standard deviation of a list of numbers. NumPy makes this pretty trivial compared to writing these functions by hand:

def numpy_mean():
    mean = np.mean(np.arange(1000))
def loop_mean():
    def _mean(arr):
        # sum all the numbers
        total = 0
        for num in arr:
            total += num
        # calculate the mean
        mean = total / float(len(arr))
        return mean
    mean = _mean(range(1000))
def numpy_std():
    std = np.std(np.arange(1000))
def loop_std():
    def _std(arr):
        # calculate the mean
        total = 0
        for num in arr:
            total += num
        mean = total / float(len(arr))
        # calculate the variance
        total = 0
        for num in arr:
            total += (num - mean) ** 2
        var = total / float(len(arr))
        # standard deviation is square root of the variance
        std = math.sqrt(var)
        return std
    std = _std(range(1000))

The difference in speed is pretty significant, too. NumPy is primarily written in C, so all of its functions are incredibly optimized; unsurprisingly, they’re faster than unoptimized pure Python:

>>> timer("numpy_mean", "loop_mean", "numpy_std", "loop_std")
numpy_mean : 0.000014  /- 0.000006 seconds
loop_mean  : 0.000047  /- 0.000005 seconds
numpy_std  : 0.000035  /- 0.000002 seconds
loop_std   : 0.000244  /- 0.000007 seconds

I mentioned at the beginning of this post that many loops could be replaced with list comprehensions. In particular, if you have a loop where you are doing some computation and then appending to a list, you should probably be using a loop comprehension instead. For example, let’s say we want a list of the first 10000 squares:

def numpy_squares():
    squares = np.arange(1, 10001) ** 2
def listcomp_squares():
    squares = [i**2 for i in xrange(1, 10001)]
def loop_squares():
    squares = []
    for i in xrange(1, 10001):
        squares.append(i ** 2)

With the exception of the append, listcomp_squares is basically the same as loop_squares. However, this small change can make a huge difference:

>>> timer("numpy_squares", "listcomp_squares", "loop_squares")
numpy_squares    : 0.000026  /- 0.000020 seconds
listcomp_squares : 0.000824  /- 0.000071 seconds
loop_squares     : 0.001373  /- 0.000088 seconds

I’ll note that NumPy is, again, the faster choice for this operation. However, NumPy does not have an optimized function for everything. When this is the case, you should fall back on list comprehensions and not for loops!


Let’s end with a complex application of NumPy and list comprehensions over for loops. One particular application that I frequently need is to run models on all possible settings of several parameters – for example, if I have x=(0, 1, 2) and y=(0, 1), I would want to run my model on all (x, y) pairs in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)]. With many parameters, computing these combinations can become messy.

NumPy gives us some magic that makes it really easy to compute these settings. Importantly, we’re going to use numpy.ix_, which (from the documentation) “takes N 1-D sequences and returns N outputs with N dimensions each, such that the shape is 1 in all but one dimension and the dimension with the non-unit shape value cycles through all N dimensions”. So we’ll use numpy.ix_ to create arrays for each dimension/parameter, and then concatenate these arrays together to get the final array of shape (n, d) (where n is the number of combinations, and d is the number of dimensions). The biggest downside is that this function is somewhat difficult to understand without a solid knowledge of NumPy.

def numpy_make_grid(*args):
    # an array of ones in the overall shape, for broadcasting
    ones = np.ones([len(arg) for arg in args])
    # mesh grids of the index arrays
    midx = [(ix * ones)[None] for ix in np.ix_(*args)]
    # make into one Nx3 array
    idx = np.concatenate(midx).reshape((len(args), -1)).transpose()
    return idx

We can do the same without using NumPy, but it’s a much larger function (though perhaps easier to understand if you don’t know what numpy.ix_ does). The approach I’ll take with this function is to first determine the number of combinations, create a big list of the appropriate size, and then fill it in by looping over each of the input lists. One benefit to this is that we could use loop_make_grid to make combinations of strings, whereas numpy_make_gride requires numerical combinations.

def loop_make_grid(*args):
    # find the sizes of each dimension and the total size of the
    # final array
    shape = [len(arg) for arg in args]
    size = 1
    for sh in shape:
        size *= sh
    # make a list of lists to hold the indices
    l = [1 for i in xrange(len(args))]
    idx = [l[:] for i in xrange(size)]
    # fill in the indices
    rep = 1
    for aidx, arg in enumerate(args):
        # repeat each value in the dimension based on which
        # dimensions we've already included
        vals = []
        for val in arg:
            vals.extend([val] * rep)
        # repeat each dimension based on which dimensions we
        # haven't already included and actually fill in the
        # indices
        rest = size / (rep * len(arg))
        for vidx, val in enumerate(vals * rest):
            idx[vidx][aidx] = val
        rep *= len(arg)
    return idx

Let’s now compare the runtime of these two approaches. We’ll make a 1000 by 3 array for three lists of ten numbers:

def numpy_indices():
    numpy_make_grid(np.arange(10), np.arange(10), np.arange(10))
def loop_indices():
    loop_make_grid(range(10), range(10), range(10))

And actually timing it, we see that numpy_make_grid is a lot faster than loop_make_grid:

>>> timer("numpy_indices", "loop_indices")
numpy_indices : 0.000112  /- 0.000083 seconds
loop_indices  : 0.000523  /- 0.000013 seconds


When working with numbers, NumPy is a significantly faster option in many cases. So, if you are doing any form of scientific computing, I highly recommend learning how to use it well! You can find pretty good documentation on using NumPy arrays at http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/.

That said, NumPy is not always appropriate. If you’re doing something more procedural – for example, computing a kernel function on a matrix – you may find that NumPy doesn’t have the nice optimized functions you want. In these cases, try to use list comprehensions as much as possible. If you’re smart about using NumPy arrays and list comprehensions, you may find you can get a considerable speed up in your code!