
Creating Reproducible, Publication-Quality Plots with Matplotlib and Seaborn

A comprehensive tutorial on creating publication-quality plots using Matplotlib and Seaborn in Python, focusing on best practices for reproducibility and visual design.

Jessica Hamrick

Passing Quals!

How I prepared for and passed qualifying exams.

Jessica Hamrick

Deploying JupyterHub for Education

A guide to setting up JupyterHub for educational purposes.

Jessica Hamrick

How I learned to stop worrying and love PyCon

My (wonderful!) experience attending PyCon 2014, from giving a talk to participating in sprints.

Jessica Hamrick

Python Koans with the IPython Notebook

Converting Python koans into an IPython notebook format as a proof of concept to make Python learning more interactive and educational.

Jessica Hamrick

Installing 64-bit Panda3D for Python 2.7 on OS X

A step-by-step guide to compiling and installing a 64-bit version of Panda3D for Python 2.7 on OS X, including all necessary dependencies and compilation instructions.

Jessica Hamrick

Rewriting Python docstrings with a metaclass

A guide to using Python metaclasses to automatically rewrite docstrings of inherited methods to include the class name, with practical examples for test classes.

Jessica Hamrick

On collecting data

I introduce a Python library called dbtools which provides a simple interface for working with SQLite databases, particularly useful for saving and managing data in scientific experiments.

Jessica Hamrick

Switching to Octopress

Why I switched from WordPress to Octopress.

Jessica Hamrick

Why is making a git commit so complicated?

Explains why Git's multi-step commit process exists by comparing it to organizing documents into boxes, showing how this complexity provides users with control over their commits.

Jessica Hamrick