An Introduction to Classes and Inheritance (In Python)

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This post aims to give a short, basic introduction to the concept of classes and inheritance, using Python as the language of choice. It assumes knowledge of very basic Python syntax and functions. These examples were conceived during the Boston Python Workshop this past weekend.
What is a Class?
Data structures like lists and strings are extremely useful, but sometimes they aren’t enough to represent something you’re trying to implement. For example, let’s say we needed to keep track of a bunch of pets. We could represent a pet using a list by specifying the first element of the list as the pet’s name and the second element of the list as the pet’s species. This is very arbitrary and nonintuitive, however – how do you know which element is supposed to be which?
Classes give us the ability to create more complicated data structures
that contain arbitrary content. We can create a Pet
class that
keeps track of the name and species of the pet in usefully named
attributes called name
and species
, respectively.
What is an Instance?
Before we get into creating a class itself, we need to understand an
important distinction. A class is something that just contains
structure – it defines how something should be laid out or
structured, but doesn’t actually fill in the content. For example, a
class may say that a pet needs to have a name and a species, but
it will not actually say what the pet’s name or species is.
This is where instances come in. An instance is a specific copy of
the class that does contain all of the content. For example, if I
create a pet polly
, with name "Polly"
and species "Parrot"
, then
is an instance of Pet
This can sometimes be a very difficult concept to master, so let’s look at it from another angle. Let’s say that the government has a particular tax form that it requires everybody to fill out. Everybody has to fill out the same type of form, but the content that people put into the form differs from person to person. A class is like the form: it specifies what content should exist. Your copy of the form with your specific information if like an instance of the class: it specifies what the content actually is.
Keeping Track of Pets
Now that we have an idea of what a class is and what the difference between a class and an instance is, let’s look at a real class!
class Pet(object):
def __init__(self, name, species): = name
self.species = species
def getName(self):
def getSpecies(self):
return self.species
def __str__(self):
return "%s is a %s" % (, self.species)
Line 1
This is the basic incant for creating a class. The first word,
, indicates that we are creating a class. The second word,
, indicates the name of the class. The word in parentheses,
, is the class that Pet
is inheriting from. We’ll get more
into inheritance below, so for now all you need to know is that
is a special variable in Python that you should include in
the parentheses when you are creating a new class.
Lines 3-5
When we create a new pet, we need to initialize (that is, specify) it
with a name
and a species
. The __init__
method (method is just
a special term for functions that are part of a class) is a special
Python function that is called when an instance of a class is first
created. For example, when running the code polly = Pet("Polly", "Parrot")
, the __init__
method is called with values polly
, and "Parrot"
for the variables self
, name
, and
, respectively.
The self
variable is the instance of the class. Remember that
instances have the structure of the class but that the values within
an instance may vary from instance to instance. So, we want to specify
that our instance (self
) has different values in it than some other
possible instance. That is why we say = name
instead of = name
You might have noticed that the __init__
method (as well as other
methods in the Pet
class) have this self
variable, but that when
you call the method (e.g. polly = Pet("Polly", "Parrot")
), you only
have to pass in two values. Why don’t we have to pass in the self
parameter? This phenomena is a special behavior of Python: when you
call a method of an instance, Python automatically figures out what
should be (from the instance) and passes it to the function. In
the case of __init__
, Python first creates self
and then passes it
in. We’ll talk a little bit more about this below when we discuss the
and getSpecies
Lines 7-11
We can also define methods to get the contents of the instance. The
method takes an instance of a Pet
as a parameter and looks
up the pet’s name. Similarly, the getSpecies
method takes an
instance of a Pet
as a parameter and looks up the pet’s
species. Again, we require the self
parameter so that the function
knows which instance of Pet
to operate on: it needs to be able to
find out the content.
As mentioned before, we don’t actually have to pass in the self
parameter because Python automatically figures it out. To make it a
little bit clearer as to what is going on, we can look at two
different ways of calling getName
. The first way is the standard way
of doing it: polly.getName()
. The second, while not conventional, is
equivalent: Pet.getName(polly)
. Note how in the second example we
had to pass in the instance because we did not call the method via
the instance. Python can’t figure out what the instance is if it
doesn’t have any information about it.
To drive the difference between instances and classes home, we can look at an explicit example:
>>> from pets import Pet
>>> polly = Pet("Polly", "Parrot")
>>> print "Polly is a %s" % polly.getSpecies()
Polly is a Parrot
>>> print "Polly is a %s" % Pet.getSpecies(polly)
Polly is a Parrot
>>> print "Polly is a %s" % Pet.getSpecies()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
TypeError: unbound method getSpecies() must be called with Pet instance as first
argument (got nothing instead)
Lines 13-14
This __str__
method is a special function that is defined for all
classes in Python (you have have noticed that methods beginning and
ending with a double underscore are special). You can specify your own
version of any built-in method, known as overriding the method. By
overriding the __str__
method specifically, we can define the
behavior when we try to print an instance of the Pet
class using the
Using Classes
Let’s look at some examples of using the Pet
>>> from pets import Pet
>>> polly = Pet("Polly", "Parrot")
>>> polly.getName()
>>> polly.getSpecies()
>>> print polly
Polly is a Parrot
>>> from pets import Pet
>>> ginger = Pet("Ginger", "Cat")
>>> ginger.getName()
>>> ginger.getSpecies()
>>> print ginger
Ginger is a Cat
>>> from pets import Pet
>>> clifford = Pet("Clifford", "Dog")
>>> clifford.getName()
>>> clifford.getSpecies()
>>> print clifford
Clifford is a Dog
Sometimes just defining a single class (like Pet
) is not enough. For
example, some pets are dogs and most dogs like to chase cats, and
maybe we want to keep track of which dogs do or do not like to chase
cats. Birds are also pets but they generally don’t like to chase
cats. We can make another class that is a Pet
but is also
specifically a Dog
, for example: this gives us the structure from
but also any structure we want to specify for Dog
class Dog(Pet):
def __init__(self, name, chases_cats):
Pet.__init__(self, name, "Dog")
self.chases_cats = chases_cats
def chasesCats(self):
return self.chases_cats
We want to specify that all Dog
s have species "Dog"
, and also
whether or not the dog likes to chase cats. To do this, we need to
define our own initialization function (recall that this is known as
overriding). We also need to call the parent class initialization
function, though, because we still want the name
and species
fields to be initialized. If we did not have line 4, then we could
still call the methods getName
and getSpecies
. However, because
was never called, the name
and species
fields were
never created, so calling getName
or getSpecies
would throw an
We can define a similar subclass for cats:
class Cat(Pet):
def __init__(self, name, hates_dogs):
Pet.__init__(self, name, "Cat")
self.hates_dogs = hates_dogs
def hatesDogs(self):
return self.hates_dogs
A Closer Look at Inheritance
Let’s examine the difference between Dog
and Pet
>>> from pets import Pet, Dog
>>> mister_pet = Pet("Mister", "Dog")
>>> mister_dog = Dog("Mister", True)
The function used below, isinstance
, is a special function that
checs to see if an instance is an instance of a certain type of
class. Here we can see that mister_pet
is an instance of Pet
, but
not Dog
, while mister_dog
is an instance of both Pet
and Dog
>>> isinstance(mister_pet, Pet)
>>> isinstance(mister_pet, Dog)
>>> isinstance(mister_dog, Pet)
>>> isinstance(mister_dog, Dog)
Because mister_pet
is a Pet
, but not a Dog
, we can’t call
on it because the Pet
class has no chasesCats
method. We can, however, call chasesCats
on mister_dog
, because it
is defined for the Dog
class. Conversely, we can call the
method on both mister_pet
and mister_dog
because they
are both instances of Pet
, even though getName
is not explicitly
defined in the Dog
>>> mister_pet.chasesCats()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
AttributeError: 'Pet' object has no attribute 'chasesCats'
>>> mister_dog.chasesCats()
>>> mister_pet.getName()
>>> mister_dog.getName()
Cats and Dogs
Now let’s create some cats and dogs.
>>> from pets import Cat, Dog
>>> fido = Dog("Fido", True)
>>> rover = Dog("Rover", False)
>>> mittens = Cat("Mittens", True)
>>> fluffy = Cat("Fluffy", False)
>>> print fido
Fido is a Dog
>>> print rover
Rover is a Dog
>>> print mittens
Mittens is a Cat
>>> print fluffy
Fluffy is a Cat
>>> print "%s chases cats: %s" % (fido.getName(), fido.chasesCats())
Fido chases cats: True
>>> print "%s chases cats: %s" % (rover.getName(), rover.chasesCats())
Rover chases cats: False
>>> print "%s hates dogs: %s" % (mittens.getName(), mittens.hatesDogs())
Mittens hates dogs: True
>>> print "%s hates dogs: %s" % (fluffy.getName(), fluffy.hatesDogs())
Fluffy hates dogs: False
The End
Hopefully this was helpful in explaining what classes are, why we would want to use them, and how to subclass classes to create multiple layers of structure. For a more in-depth explanation of classes, you can look at the official Python documentation, or feel free to ask me any questions you might have. I would also be happy to more posts on other programming concepts – I’m open to suggestions!